Thursday, October 27, 2011

Reasons I run and progress

So...finally I am writing again. I am going to give you an update on where I am at what I am doing and what my goals are but first I am going to talk about the reason I run.

Since July 17th I have been jotting down the reasons I run, because I needed a mission a vision, I know stop making this into a business, but the se concepts. Little did I know when I started writing down my reasons I would be part of reasons to run! God does have a plan doesn't he. So my reasons....

It's ironic that I sit here and write this tonight I am in the ER with my brother. He is a fighter, he has had a kidney transplant and been fighting diabetes since he was 19 I think...maybe 20. He is just one example of the health challenges in my family. What really started all this was in June I took a good long hard look at my parents and realized if I did not make some changes in my life, I would not be able to do the things I wanted to do later in life. I knew I had to change, so I read a book and prayed I would like running because it is conducive to a very busy life style. As you can tell with a history of heart diesase and diabetes among other my family history is something I have to take seriously, so health is the main reason why I run, or at least why I began and tonight reminds me of that.

Along with health ... I want to beat my ultimate obstacle that being my weight. One of my first runs frustrated with my weight, I began to think...I can achieve many career and education why can't I do this. The run continued with me thinking how can apply the same principles I used to apply to meet these goals. I also had a lecture session with myself about how I got here, normal right.

So those are long reasons and here are some shorter ones:

Do you know how often you get to buy new shoes??

There are different types of races all over the world...good reason to travel!

Feel challenged...and that I do now that I put it the right perspective.

To analysis more data...geek I know!!

To be am I inspired by so many people who are doing this like me or those who have achieved so many great things...especially my RTR team, friends and family who are right there with me! I love it when my nieces want to do a 5k and out aunt Jody is getting fast!! At a 5k I completed on October 1, 2011 a 93 year old woman walked across the finish line in less than am!! Awesome!!

To talking about being inspired I think this is inspires me the most is when someone saying they are inspired by me! It feels good to know I positivity influenced someone life! This also builds a support system!!

The best stress relief I have.

Did you know you can even get free beer? I love beer!!

Meeting new people and building great new friendships!! This be through running or cheering.

I am sure there are so many more reasons to run!

As far as progress I am making some. Now running as much as I should have last two weeks, being sick and lots of school work had me out of balance. Plus since it is dark and cold so early I tend not to go out at 9pm like I did at first. So I am workig on an afjustment plan and that had to come fast! Learning to balance work, school, family is challenging me these days! So I am working on a plan to get it back together!

I have ran another 10k and I think three more 5ks since I last wrote. I have PR'ed just nit everytime. I am up to running at least 15 minutes at one time...getting there!

I have had a few challenges...planter fasciitis. Who knew I would wear out shoes so quick!! Do working though that. I also have had some challenging breathing in the cold so an inhaler it is.

Well I am signing off for now, this may not be in the best of english, but it was brought to you by my almost dead iphone!! Keep running's one foot in front of the other!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Air Force Marathon -- First Offical 10k

Want to talk about spirit….wow the feeling of running in the Air Force 10k was amazing. As a 10k participate, I took off from the start line with the full marathoners, so thousands of runners taking off at the start line, hence why it took me nearly 5 minutes to get across the start line. But the spirit that was there was amazing. The race started with a fly over by the B-1 Lancer, nothing like the roar of a jet engine to get you fired up. This spirit, carried me at least the first few miles, I felt like I was part of something amazing.

I guess this race kind of has a special meaning to me because I got the honor of spending so five years working besides our military in Iraq, Germany and Saudi Arabia. The feeling I had at the beginning of this race was similar to the feeling of comradery I felt in these places.

Since this was my first race with thousands of people what I found funniest was the clothing laying all over the sides of the road, as you get into miles two and three. It makes total sense since it is so cold when we begin; guess I just never thought of it before. Also, along the course you have the fans (even Austin Powers, haha) and bands playing.

The most inspirational thing I saw, in fact I started to cry was the double amputee running. Wow, losing both legs fighting so we could all have the freedom to run and getting out there in running with us. I am sorry, if this guy can get out there and do this, who has an excuse why they can’t get out and do it. I also heard a story of a blind runner running the half with two guides…WOW!! I have no excuse why I can’t run a half marathon, or even a full one for that matter (just no desire yet). See these people just remind me of I don’t have it that bad, and my struggles and pain are nothing. When I saw the double amputee it reminded me also of all the runners who I was probably surrounded by that are suffering from PTSD. Just another exampling of overcoming obstacles by those who fought for our freedom, if they can do it I can do!! This race, on the heels of anniversary of 9/11 was full of American spirit! Another inspiring item was the group of running in full battle gear, showing remembrance of their fallen comrades.

When I finished the 10k, I got my free beer (hehe!!) and waited for my teammates from RTR to finish the half marathon. Talking about another group of inspirational people. I have said before, I just met these folks and there is no doubt in my mind they will be the folks to help me get through this journey. I recommend anyone with a goal of running a half or full marathon find a team to run with. I have to say I was surprised at how quickly I felt a part of something. Amazing…can’t wait to be running the half with the RTR next year.

The sweetest thing I saw the girl that got engaged as she crossed the finish line after completing the half marathon. I read an article he did here so her family could be there since they live in New York.

And sense of accomplishment….I finished my first 10k in 52 seconds over my goal. Now one team member will say ohhh don’t count the seconds….me I have to. If I only would have known I was really that close I would have probably pushed myself much harder…but mid race I said ok if I keep pushing myself I will finish just under 1:35…I did not properly account for the time it took me to cross the start line. But now that I have my Garmin this should better in the future. I like the fact that all participants get a metal as they cross the finish line, to me this let’s everyone take home that sense of accomplishment.

My guess is that will be one of the most inspiring races…I can’t wait to do the half next year!!

My next 10k is October 2, 2011…Let’s hope I can set a new PR!!

Just remember those of you considering starting this journey….it is as simple as one foot in front of the other!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Two Months In

It has been a while since I wrote...well actually I think I wrote a blog and deleted it...a serious urghh! Anyways...I have so much to write about...I am going wrote a couple different blogs over the next few days to hopefully keeps my thoughts in some kind of order. I do have a tendency to change thoughts mid-sentence which results in a big wtf or I can't believe I really said that; that is so not what I meant to say coming out a few hours or days later....I digress.

So it has been three weeks almost since I wrote a blog. Since then I have completed three 5ks and a 10k. I will write about the 10k under another blog because it really was a completely different experience than the 5k.

I have made significant progress on the 5ks....nothing to brag about time wise, but I am happy with my progress, I have taken 2:38 off of my 5k PR in 28 days. This is why it is important to me to complete these races every weekend to see the progress. While I am always near the tail end of the group, it is something that is officially measured and a good way to get some new t-shirts..hehe. Sure I can look at my log otherwise and see progress but there is something about completing a race. The three races were the Piqua Heritage Festival Run, Raider Run and the Applefest Run. I have about 6 more 5ks I am going to do this year, one 10k and I think a five miler turkey trot, and whatever else comes up. Let me know if you are up for one or two or three…you get where I am going.

While I am still struggling to see the weight loss I was hoping to see from this, there is no doubt I am getting stronger. There is no way I could have cut that much time off without building muscle. It has officially been two months yesterday since I started this journey and I definitely see other health benefits. Earlier in the year I went to the doctor and my blood pressure was 120/80....normal. However, I knew in the back of my mind this was not and with my family history it was going to be another medicine if I did not do something. This week when I went to the doctor with a sinus infection, on sinus medication that raises your blood pressure it was only 110/74...I have to contribute this decrease to the running.

Now for one of the best changes in my running journey...I believe I had mentioned early I found a running team in Troy I was going to join. I had read a book, and this is one of things it had said was very important to successful running. It said its not necessary that you run together but to have that support at beginning or the end, people to talk through challenges with, people to help keep you on track. So I began looking first in Dayton because I figured there would be nothing in Troy, being a small town and all…I was wrong.....I found Reasons-to-Run. After meeting this group (just Monday), I can see why the book said it. The team was so welcoming, I really look forward to spending more time with my team members; they are nice, fun, funny and really supportive. While I was reluctant to at first go alone and meet up with runners when I am just starting out, I realize now this was definitely one of the best decisions I have made in this journey and I came across an awesome team, I feel really lucky about that. A few things I really like about this group is apart from running and training together they have social activities and do community service which to me is awesome. Since I moved back I have wanted to get involved in a form community service but have struggled to find a way to do that and balance everything else on my this a great fit and I am sure will help me find other ways I can give back the community.

Oh I believe I talked about this in the blog that was lost. In my 5k adventures there is a group of super supportive ladies that all do 5ks together. I first met them at the 5k from hell...the moosefest (which I am considering doing again next year to see how far I really go in a year). I see these ladies at most 5ks I do and they are another super supportive group of gals. They all have matching shirts for the crew they formed. One of them will always come back after she finishes and push me that last leg of the race. I joke and tell her one day I will coming back for a day far away but one day. This is just another great example of spirit that goes along with this sport.

I really try to encourage a lot of people to get out and do 5ks but I believe half the battle is they think they have to run the whole thing, not true....I am getting closer to achieving this...but still not there. Or they feel they have to win the race, the only person I race each week is myself...and I know some days I am not going to win that race but I will keep signing up. I am happy when someone says yeah I would like to do a 5k with you, or that through our conversation they were motivated to take a run or walk. I try to pass along the inspiration that I get from so many people to is part of what makes this journey a little easier. Through doing this you have the feeling of accountability; which to me greatly pushes me to strive to be a better person and in this case a better runner. It’s funny how I can take the principles I am learning about leadership and apply them to running.

Well....that is all for today, I have to get to church but look forward to a blog about the AF 10k and since I am now a member of Reasons to Run...the reasons I run...I have been keeping a list since I started two months ago and get longer each week!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Nothing too exciting....well except the uphill 5k!

Well since the last post....there is nothing too exciting to significant improvements but I will talk about a few little things. 

First --- let's talk about the 5k I did this weekend....for a girl out of my out of shapeness (made up phrase) I should have probably never have done this.....but I did and I finished....dead last....but the coolest thing, even through I was somewhat embarrassed.....there we people there cheering me on at the end and that was really cool.  So from now on after I cross the finish line, grab my water, I am going to head back to the finish line to cheer folks on.  For now, I won't have to wait for to many people...hehe!! For those of you that know the Sidney Moose, you can understand this....running zig zag through the Moose is quite a is a great place to sled..but a tough place to run.  However, I did realize that walking the hills are some great conditioning....may have to run go run Children's Home one day.

Also, this week I got my bike fixed so I can change up the workout and enjoy the outdoors. I went riding with my friend Erin last was nice and relaxing but could tell this morning it did give a little workout to the muscles...ones i don't use in walking/running. I have had the same bike since I was it for summer gym in the eight grade...When I went to get it fixed...the owner of the bike shop remembered me...I have taken in there a couple of times...but its cool to see small town business. I do like the biking but it make the running a little hard on the left knee tonight...hopefully just growing pains.

One thing that has been a bummer is I keep losing my underarmor headbands...a few i have found in passing but most are gone gone....boy does that stink.  I do <3 all of my underarmor gear...I am miserable if I run in a regular t-shirt now that I spoiled myself. 

I got my bib number today for the AF year I plan on saying the AF Half Marathon...I am number 11626.  I am very excited to participate in such a big thing.  I did not realize how big it year if I do the half I am probably going to raise money for an organization for injured vets. It will give me even more reason to do what I am doing. 

I also realized tonight as I was logging my walk/runs I am 103 miles totals and most days I don't count my warm up or cool down.

As far as the weight challenge...I am losing barely anyway weight....a real big WTF.....but I have taken off inches. I tried on a dress last night I wore to a ball at the beginning of March and it is totally too big....can't wait to see more results and hopefully I will see them on the scale one day but I am trying not get to frustrated in the mean time. 

Well till next time...I am off to bed soon...I am one tired girl after 6.5 miles today!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A little to closer to cutting out the walking

Well today...I did what every geeky auditor would do...I plugged the data I had on my running into an excel spreadsheet and did some calculations and analysis.  When I get a little more data maybe I will do an improvement curve to set the goal for where I should be going....KIDDING!!  But in looking at the data I noticed a few things....first my first run...ok serious...lets be real...the only running I did then was from garage door to the my first walk was two miles and took me forty minutes....tonight I did 3.72 miles in 58:54, so I went from a 20 minute mile to a 15:50 mile....which is about my weekly average for a mile.  So it is obvious I am improving.  Now there is a portion of the data where I did not record my time, this must have been when I thought I was crazy for doing this.  Which is obvious because now instead of nice round whole minutes I record the seconds, setup an excel spreadsheet and use Nike yeah I am crazy.  I like Nike plus....but it is a little more generous with the distance I go, but I have mapped out routes so I am able to calculate the real deal!

In the past week I have found two great new running spots the country and more of  the bike path. First, the country between corn fields and bean fields, it was so peaceful out there...It made me think back to when we praying for it to stop raining so the farmers could plant the fields and now we the farmers are preparing for a harvest....the difference is somewhat characteristic in my life.  To think where I was back in May to now....Wow what a difference.  For the first time since I have moved back, I can say I am truly happy here.  Now that does not mean I will stay, that is dependent on what life brings.  But I am not miserable like I was before. Two things have is I do more for my parents now, which is very rewarding and hard all at the same time and I do this running thing.  I guess it is true what the say running brings positive endorphins. I do believe I have experienced a few cases of a runners high...along with the really why am I doing this? But overall I have to say above anything I have experienced or put forth to do since I have been home, this is the best.  Better than getting an advanced degree, better than any relationship, better than going out and partying, better playing xbox....because this is going to make all those things better as life goes on.  Ok well maybe not the advanced degree...but it puts me in better health and aids in me having a clearer mind to focus better at work. 

This week in running has been awesome too because I ran a 5k and took about 30 seconds off my 5k time from the previous week.  In addition, at this 5k I had the support of my sister-in-law and niece.  They crossed the finish line before me and cheered me on at the end, which probably was the reason I beat my time!! Thanks Gwen&Grace!! And also my wonderful high school friend and now neighbor...she goes with me out the the with the foot she has on me height wise....we run at our own pace and meet up at the end.  But it awesome to have someone to tell your little accomplishments to! Thanks Erin! Like to today I was telling here the little stuff that excites I can now stand on one foot and stretch without having to hold on to the must understand this is a little milestone for a pleasantly plump girl like myself.

Over the next week I have another 5k and will be meeting up with the running group I joined for the first time.  Oh and I always will have another weight watchers meeting....which I am beginning to think that plan is pointless for me because it has only been since I have been running about 20 miles a week that I have been able to lose weight...and a little bit at that...shedding inches at a nice pace but not I am thinking it is time to take my cash for weight watchers and invest that in running!! I guess you could say I am transiting out of the weight loss group into the lean mean and fit group....boy to have some catching up to do!! I have to say the running will benefit much more....but we shall see...I do like some of things about weight watchers...but the focus is only weight...that is the only thing that is rewarded....which I know is the point, which makes me think maybe it is just not for me.

Peace out!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Well I have not written since Monday and there is actually a lot to talk about today with only having 4 run/walks between then and now. My first accomplishment of the week, which I thought was going to be the big one, was that I ran for a whole mile without stopping on Wednesday....small potatoes I know when your goal is to run 13.1 miles but to me it was an accomplishment.

Wednesday was also the family tradition dinner as I call I had a blast with my family and friends after cooking spareribs most of the day and who can resist MaMa's BBQ sauce.....carb loaded for sure but oh so good. But some pictures were taken....yeah I still had my running clothes on....I did not realize how much this running/walking was really changing my life...cause the scale is not showing I checked my measurements and had drop five inches in just a week and a half.  I also compared this to fourth of July pictures, yep something is working.  So this is what I am looking at body does not want to drop weight right now....its all about conversion.  Which mean when its decides to stop dropping out!!

Tuesday of this week....I reached one of the first goals which was to run 50 miles cumulatively....well after today's 7.5 mile run (talk more about this later) I am at 64 miles since July 16....time re-evaluate the goals.  So putting that in some terms I ran the same distance it takes to from my house to Cincinnati, well the GE plant in Cincinnati.

Saturday of this week I completed my first 5k since I truly decided myself to this goal.  I completed two 5k earlier this year and would do fun runs, turkey trots etc in Saudi.  But this one....this one means something because this is truly my starting point to gage improvement.  Now I did one back in June which I believe my time was around 55 minutes.  Saturday race took me around 47:30....I am waiting for the official time to be posted.  Now I know I made some mistakes in this one which could have effected my overall performance.  When the race started I pushed myself really hard, not intentionally but it just happened to stay up with the other runners, which left me a little winded at about a half of mile.  As a result I had to walk for quit a bit. So I will just have remember I am not one of those people....well at least not yet.

Today was a great day.  Today I accomplished 7.5 miles in eight more minutes than I did 6.5 miles last there is progress...I thought I had completed at least 8, but my Nike plus was off...luckily I ran in a park in which I was able to find the distance online....that being Duke Park....boy do I love Duke Park....which that brings me to one of favorite things associated with running....the beautiful trails and parks around this area. The taxes we pay are really well worth it. While I am still a little partial to running in the neighborhood because I figured if it is absolutely too much I am not to far from home...more importantly my couch.  But this morning I went out to Duke Park and it was so peaceful, well as peaceful as it could be with Usher, Lady Gaga and Britney blaring in my ears.  But today after the first half mile I continue with a nice steady slow jog only slowing down after maybe every half of mile for 30 seconds to a minute. It actually hurt to walk and felt good to run. Today I was looking more to increase my distance I wasn't so concerned about the time. It took me just over two hours so I was about at a 17 mile pace, yesterday I ran right around a 15:30 mile pace.  Over time I know both will improve because they have in the last week. My three mile runs now is where I strive to better my time and one day a week I challenge myself to a greater distance than the week before. Oh I am sure my endurance was all due to my carb loading of skyline...since I got hungry at the beginning of lap four...I think I may go with a bigger one next week especially if I am going to increase distance.  Well so it is my excuse to enjoy skyline...really I should make a health choice of pasta but I don't worry about eating my Skyline knowing I am going to run my butt off the next morning.

So today I hope I am not too sore to go out and mow my lawn....and clean up my house a bit...but we shall see...I have already put on my most value thing to running which is flexall and icy hot...cause I know today really challenged the muscles.

Oh I almost forgot.... this week I also joined a running club. This I believe will be the extra push I need to be able to run a half marathon instead of just finish a half marathon.  I have not met anyone from the group yet...but will hopefully during the week some time.

Monday, August 8, 2011

You know you have become a runner when...

Today is the day that I knew I had become a runner.... when on my way to work I stopped off at Meijer to get icy hot and flexall. make it through the day I needed this...I pushed it to six and half miles on Saturday and well Sunday and Monday I felt the pain.   realized at about noon...hey this icy hot is really I put some more on because I realized there was hope I could run tonight since I missed last night.  So today the most valuable running item is the icy hot!! Who in their right mind runs only after applying icy hot three times a day to their calves.... this girl.

Ok let's talk about the running a little bit....I can't run for the whole time I am out....but lets talk about progress...I started this adventure on July 16, 2011...23 days ago I could barely walk 2 miles and not be exhausted. I mearly was training to be able to walk the Air Force 10k on September 17th. As far as running I could make it from my driveway to my tonight when I was running more than I was walking for the first two miles I was stoked....I finished 3.14 miles in 48 minutes...a pace of 15:20 miles....this is with a blister below my left ankle and need I remind of the pain in the calves.

My body is still adjusting....I am sure it is wondering when I am going to give on is not use to an intense workout regiment longer than two weeks. So I am having some trouble sleeping and of course the sore muscles and blisters if anyone knows any tricks let me know!! are one other sign..yep I am a runner...

First, let's talk about the blister....I was on a short trip to Dallas last week for business and well...I remembered my shoes but forgot my socks...thinking well I am only going to go for two miles on the treadmill...I will be alright....well so goes the story of the blister.

More to come as this journey continues!!