Friday, September 23, 2011

Air Force Marathon -- First Offical 10k

Want to talk about spirit….wow the feeling of running in the Air Force 10k was amazing. As a 10k participate, I took off from the start line with the full marathoners, so thousands of runners taking off at the start line, hence why it took me nearly 5 minutes to get across the start line. But the spirit that was there was amazing. The race started with a fly over by the B-1 Lancer, nothing like the roar of a jet engine to get you fired up. This spirit, carried me at least the first few miles, I felt like I was part of something amazing.

I guess this race kind of has a special meaning to me because I got the honor of spending so five years working besides our military in Iraq, Germany and Saudi Arabia. The feeling I had at the beginning of this race was similar to the feeling of comradery I felt in these places.

Since this was my first race with thousands of people what I found funniest was the clothing laying all over the sides of the road, as you get into miles two and three. It makes total sense since it is so cold when we begin; guess I just never thought of it before. Also, along the course you have the fans (even Austin Powers, haha) and bands playing.

The most inspirational thing I saw, in fact I started to cry was the double amputee running. Wow, losing both legs fighting so we could all have the freedom to run and getting out there in running with us. I am sorry, if this guy can get out there and do this, who has an excuse why they can’t get out and do it. I also heard a story of a blind runner running the half with two guides…WOW!! I have no excuse why I can’t run a half marathon, or even a full one for that matter (just no desire yet). See these people just remind me of I don’t have it that bad, and my struggles and pain are nothing. When I saw the double amputee it reminded me also of all the runners who I was probably surrounded by that are suffering from PTSD. Just another exampling of overcoming obstacles by those who fought for our freedom, if they can do it I can do!! This race, on the heels of anniversary of 9/11 was full of American spirit! Another inspiring item was the group of running in full battle gear, showing remembrance of their fallen comrades.

When I finished the 10k, I got my free beer (hehe!!) and waited for my teammates from RTR to finish the half marathon. Talking about another group of inspirational people. I have said before, I just met these folks and there is no doubt in my mind they will be the folks to help me get through this journey. I recommend anyone with a goal of running a half or full marathon find a team to run with. I have to say I was surprised at how quickly I felt a part of something. Amazing…can’t wait to be running the half with the RTR next year.

The sweetest thing I saw the girl that got engaged as she crossed the finish line after completing the half marathon. I read an article he did here so her family could be there since they live in New York.

And sense of accomplishment….I finished my first 10k in 52 seconds over my goal. Now one team member will say ohhh don’t count the seconds….me I have to. If I only would have known I was really that close I would have probably pushed myself much harder…but mid race I said ok if I keep pushing myself I will finish just under 1:35…I did not properly account for the time it took me to cross the start line. But now that I have my Garmin this should better in the future. I like the fact that all participants get a metal as they cross the finish line, to me this let’s everyone take home that sense of accomplishment.

My guess is that will be one of the most inspiring races…I can’t wait to do the half next year!!

My next 10k is October 2, 2011…Let’s hope I can set a new PR!!

Just remember those of you considering starting this journey….it is as simple as one foot in front of the other!

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